WAR Imagine if he were here …

Jane Teller - Krieg. Stell Dir vor, er wäre hier
Jane Teller - Krieg. Stell Dir vor, er wäre hier

It is frightening how many people have once again expressed their fear of foreigners without understanding: Dresden, 15.12.2014, approx. 15,000 demonstrators against an „Islamization of the Occident“!

This fear, fueled by years of build-up by politicians and the media with negative reports about the „Islamist threat“, especially since 911.

The new crusaders found many new squires and followers. And if their petty-bourgeois peace wasn’t so sacred to them, they would have conquered the land on the Hindu Kush and between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers years ago behind the protective shield of the Bundeswehr, US Army and other ISAF troops. And what if they had also stirred up the Holy Land a little further south. Then there could be peace from the threat of overpopulation with turban and headscarf wearers. If we didn’t have to worry financially, materially and spatially about the refugees who can’t get their regional conflicts under control.

But it is not so easy to scold the demonstrating small-minded people, nor is it so easy to deal with the conflict situation in the Middle and Far East, in Africa, South East Asia or wherever hardship and misery prevail.

Especially as Europe itself provides enough social dynamite to encourage nationalist sentiment. We only need to look at the poverty-stricken areas to the east of Germany’s borders.

We are doing relatively well here, in our country. We can meet our basic needs for food, drink, a roof over our heads and mediocre medical care in relative safety until old age. Of course, the sword of social insecurity hangs over us. No one in politics can offer a guarantee of a constantly good life without worries. No matter how hard-working you are here. That didn’t save the Opel workers in Bochum, for example, or the former NOKIA employees in the same town. Plauz they are sitting on the street and have to watch as politicians and management divide up what they have earned among themselves. Just wait in Bochum or wherever you good and hard-working people from the middle of society are, if you miss the boat on the job market, then you’ll soon be the ones unwilling to work and sitting on other people’s social wallets. Then you will quickly find yourself on the margins of society. One thing is certain, at least in Germany: with Hartz IV and the same kind of sham social cushions, you can still afford your full HD TV, fridge and washing machine, cigarettes and alcohol. You just have to know how to do it.

Well, aren’t I once again using clichés against a group of people who were not so recently stigmatized by yellow/blue? It’s a pity that the liberal troops are no longer involved. We would still have the old enemy image of the social parasites from our own country on the TV screen. Because the liberals were far from being xenophobic. You have to concede that to the neo-capitalist disciples.

Now that there are two less colors in everyday politics, things are no longer so colorful in the colorful country. We are surrounded by a slightly brown mixture. Politically and obediently, the media have deliberately hunted down the foreigner who threatens the last social straws of the eastern and western middle classes. But who is this middle class? The mediocrity of our people, characterized by mediocre education, a professional qualification according to the job situation of the time, leisure activities between private television and the regulars‘ table with trend-dependent sports interludes, the car of German manufacturer blood in front of the door or preferably in the garage … And who are the entrepreneurs who feel threatened? Are they the ones who are ultimately waiting for the big contract without a concept so that they can make the big money for once and while they are waiting have enough time to blame the stranger for their self-inflicted misery?

There are too many people who claim to have had negative personal experiences with immigrants. There are too many who, through hearsay, have formed a brown image of foreigners. Dangerously many who have gotten up from their couch because they haven’t found anyone else against whom they can shout out their impotence over their own boredom with life. I felt downright sick when I watched the unedited opinions of the Pegida followers on ARD-Panorama (with the exception of the really stupid RTL reporter fake), like a self-imposed torture. From what dark drawers do people pull out their supposed arguments against the blanket group of foreigners? A lot of it sounds like chewed-up or once-eaten soul lard.

But despite the many parallels to the situation between the two German crimes of the century from the last millennium, we should listen to people’s concerns. Anything else will end in mass murder again – whether with one dead Mozambican or many millions gassed! Take care and try to understand why people are gathering again right now to rebel against the foreign! Provide people with education to fill in the gaps in their knowledge about the causes of two wars started by the German mob! Expose half-truths in the media landscape! And in elections, vote for groups that don’t shoot first and then make the cash registers ring with supposed development aid for their own businesses! Help the followers of Pegida and the like to find the right path on their Monday evening walks by accompanying them to the museum or library. Open reading cafés or trendy cinemas for night walkers. Mingle with them and sing songs with them that tell of the beauty of life. There is so much that we can really do with so many people to make a positive difference with and alongside people who actually just want to live in peace in their homes. Because if we hadn’t built up our prosperity at the expense of the refugees‘ areas of origin centuries ago, we would perhaps be standing on their doorsteps asking to be taken in: Janne Teller „KRIEG Imagine if he were here“