Muslims of all nations unite …

Je Suis Charlie
Je Suis Charlie

… and take a stand against the terrorism that abuses your religion. Set an example for the people who have chosen you as the supposed enemies of democracy and freedom. Draw cartoons about your tormentors who believe that Islam is a religion of terrorists. Write satirical verses about the suffering you have experienced. Take the hands of people of all faiths or without faith in one or more gods who, like you, want to live in peace. Understand the caricatures of „Charlie Hebdo“ or „Jyllands-Posten“ or other creative newspapers as a pointed graphite weapon for your interests and our common coexistence.


Twelve dead in attack on „Charlie Hebdo“


Heavily armed men have attacked the editorial office of the satirical newspaper „Charlie Hebdo“ in Paris. According to the police, they forced their way into the newspaper’s offices with a Kalashnikov and a rocket launcher and started shooting. Twelve people were killed, the public prosecutor’s office announced. At least ten people were injured, five of them seriously. The perpetrators are on the run. President Francois Hollande convened an emergency meeting. (Source: